Meaningful vs. Trendiness
-DON’T do what everyone else is doing or try to copy a romantic idea/movie that has already been done
-DO pay attention to your own relationship! Think about what is special about it and use that to help form an idea that is unique to the 2 of you (Need help with an idea? We offer proposal planning HERE) *Want to give your partner a little push to propose? Drop a hint HERE.
-DON’T forget about a budget…after all, the engagement is only the first step in the beginning of your wedding planning!
-DO take into consideration what your significant other would be comfortable with. For example, would he/she be more comfortable in public or private? Would your partner want an intimate experience with just the 2 of you? Or would they want family and friends involved?
The Little Details
-DON’T make the proposal TOO complicated. Keep the focus on what matters… the proposal and your relationship.
-DO be creative… think about the details. Do you want to document this? Videography? Photography?
-DO prepare. Practice what you are going to say.
-DON’T just utter “will you marry me?”. Tell your partner why! Now is the perfect time for romance.
Take a Moment!
-DON’T spill the secret. Be careful how many people you tell before your proposal happens! The last thing you want is for the element of surprise to be ruined.
-DO share the news after the proposal happens… but take the time to reflect on your engagement, just the two of you before publicizing. Announcing an engagement is a big deal!